论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Anisotropic Electrical Impedance Imaging Technology based on Transforming Medium Theory 田艳楠、张超、徐建军、刘国强、刘潇阔 2023 年第十八届中国电工技术学会学术年会 2023
Study of magnetic field focusing characteristics of active electromagnetic metamaterials 刘潇阔、张超、刘国强、田艳楠 2023 年第十八届中国电工技术学会学术年会 2023
Design of Hilbert Fractal Antenna for Partial Discharge Detection in Cable Joints 尹旸,李士强、闫孝姮、赵筱赫、吕志广、刘轶淼 第18届中国电工技术学会学术年会 2023
Design of Electromagnetic Detection System for Underground Cultural Relics Protection Based on Spread Spectrum Coding 李士强,刘国强,张文伟、吕志广、郭丽娟 第18届中国电工技术学会学术年会 2023
基于质子密度归一化弛豫谱的复合绝缘子老化度分析方法 张鼎 李晓南* 朱传刚 侯新文 葛雄 张宇飞 钟燃 雷雨 现代科学仪器 2023
基于主振点定位的特高压变压器振动声功率测算方法 张超, 刘国强,芦竹茂,俞华 高压电器 2023
The differential forms of Rumsey reaction and the corresponding reciprocal equations in the unified space and time form Liu, Guoqiang, Liu, Jing, Li, Yuanyuan EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS 2023
Image reconstruction for ECT based on high-order approximate sensitivity matrix Yang, Yidan, Liu, Jing, Liu, Guoqiang MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2023
Research on Applied Current Thermoacoustic Imaging Based on Synthetic Receive Aperture Wenwei Zhang, Hui Xia,Guoqiang Liu,Su Li,Chaosen Lu The proceedings of the 10th Frontier Academic Forum of Electrical Engineering (FAFEE2022) 2023
ARU-DGAN: A dual generative adversarial network based on attention residual U-Net for magneto-acousto-electrical image denoising 卜帅羽,李元园,任雯廷,刘国强 Mathmatical Biosciences and Engineering 2023
Magneto-Thermal-Acoustic Imaging of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Tissue Structure Imaging Function 刘洪家,李艳红,刘国强 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 2023
System Matrix Reconstruction Algorithm for Thermoacoustic Imaging with Magnetic Nanoparticles Based on Acoustic Reciprocity Theorem 刘洪家,李艳红,刘国强 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 2023
Research on Multi-Band Absorbers Based on Electromagnetic Metamaterials Fugui Liu, Bin Xu, Xiaonan Li*, Guoqiang Liu Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 2023
Research on Wireless Power Transmission Based on Electromagnetic Metamaterials Luo Bing; Xu Yongsheng; Xu Bin; Li Xiaonan*; Liu Guoqiang; Zhang Wenwei 2023 IEEE 6th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC) 2023
Design and analysis of a broadband microwave metamaterial absorber 张宇飞、杨文荣、李晓南*、刘国强 IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 2023
三维跨孔电阻率CT观测电极序列优化及必然伪影分布规律总结 付强,李士强,闫孝姮,张文伟,李艳红 地球物理学进展 2023
Research on carbon storage monitoring based on 4D active time constrained time-lapse cross-hole resistivity CT 付强,李士强,闫孝姮,陈伟华,尹旸 IEEE 6th International Electrical and Energy Conference 2023
Electric Field Tomography Based on SART Algorithm 朱旭,李士强,刘国强,刘婧 The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2023
Magneto-Acousto-Electrical Tomography With Nonuniform Static Magnetic Field 李元园,卜帅羽,韩雪龙,夏慧,任雯廷,刘国强 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 2023
The application of a wavelet filtering method in magneto-acoustoelectrical tomography 金玉章,赵洪亮,刘国强,夏慧,李元园 Phys. Med. Biol 2023