- 姓名: 王珂
- 性别: 男
- 职称: 研究员
- 职务:
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 82547063-605
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: wangke@mail.iee.ac.cn
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简 历:
IEEE会员;《电工技术学报》IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics》审稿人;中国电源学会变频电源与电力传动专委会委员。
- 直线电机分析与驱动控制、轨道交通车辆牵引传动控制。
【1】Wang Ke, Li Yaohua, Ge Qiongxuan, Shi Liming. An Improved Indirect Field-Oriented Control Scheme for Linear Induction Motor Traction Drives [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(12): 9928-9937.
【2】Lei Yanxiao, Wang Ke, Zhao Lu, Ge Qiongxuan, Li Zixin, Li Yaohua. An Improved Torque and Current Pulsation Suppression Method for Railway Traction Drives Under Fluctuating DC-Link Voltage [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(10): 8565-8577.
【3】Wang Ke, Ge Qiongxuan, Shi Liming, Li Yaohua,Zhang Zhihua. Development of ironless Halbach permanent magnet linear synchronous motor for traction of a novel maglev vehicle. [C]//11th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications, LDIA 2017,November 3, 2017.
【4】Yang Guang, Wang Ke. Study on electromagnetic force ripple reduction of long stator linear synchronous motor based on unequal pole pitch. [C]// 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2017, October 2, 2017.