Discrete Resonant Controller based Current Harmonics Suppression for Dual Three-Phase Linear Induction Motor |
孔甘霖、史黎明、刘进海、周世炯、曹学谦、李耀华 |
LDIA2023 |
2023 |
双向CLLC谐振变换器开关管开路故障特性分析 |
刘洋、赵鲁、马呈瑶、殷振环、董侃、马驰、崔冬冬 |
太阳能学报 |
2023 |
感应电能传输系统多并联拾取模块电流和输出功率均衡方法 |
杨继鑫、史黎明、殷正刚、范满义、李耀华 |
电力系统自动化 |
2023 |
optimal frequency design method of IPT system based on power loss model for rail transit |
杨继鑫、史黎明、殷正刚、范满义 |
SCEMS2023 |
2023 |
A Multilevel Current Source Actively Commutated Converter With the Control Strategy |
张航、李子欣、徐飞、高范强、赵聪、孙柏岩 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
A Medium Voltage Photovoltaic DC Transmission System Based on Current Source Actively Commutated Converter |
张航、李子欣、徐飞、高范强、赵聪、孙柏岩 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
变长分段直线感应电机数学建模研究 |
徐飞、李子欣、孔甘霖、史黎明、李耀华 |
中国电机工程学报 |
2023 |
frequecy characteristics analysis of wireless power transfer system in seawater |
徐炜钰、史黎明、殷正刚 |
2023 international conference on wireless power transfer ICWPT |
2023 |
model predictive current control strategy for medium-speed mglev train with parameter mismatch |
张航(学生)、张瑞华、桑鸿运、梁泽熙 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
current characteristices and overcurrent suppression in segmented power switching process of long primary dual three-phase linear motors |
李彦飞、赵聪、徐飞、史黎明、李耀华 |
第十八届中国电工技术学会学术年会 |
2023 |
influence of secondary width on forces and losses in linear induction motors with transversally asymmetric secondary |
曾迪晖、王珂、葛琼璇 |
第十八届中国电工技术学会学术年会 |
2023 |
一种输入串联输出并联双有源桥变换器输入电压自平衡结构 |
范恩泽、赵鲁、李耀华、葛琼璇、马呈瑶 |
电力系统保护与控制 |
2023 |
robust two-degree-of-freedom sliding mode speed control for segmented linear motors |
周世炯、李耀华、史黎明、范满义、孔甘霖、刘进海 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
a fault-tolerant FOC strategy for segmented powered dual three-phase PMLSM |
刘进海、史黎明、朱海滨、郭科宇、周世炯、范满义 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
sliding mode current control strateby based on variable exponential convergence rate for dual three-phase segment powered PMLSM |
刘进海、史黎明、朱海滨、郭科宇、周世炯、孔甘霖 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
a current harmonic suppression method of inductively coupled power transfer system based on auxiliary pickup module |
杨继鑫、史黎明、殷正刚、范满义、范恩泽 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
decoupling control of three-dimensional electromagnetic forces in linear induction motors based on novel equivalent circuit |
曾迪晖、葛琼璇 |
2023 |
research on leakage inductance and eddy current loss of nanocrystalline high-frequency transcormers |
刘洋、刘学 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
analysis of transient characteristics of train traction braking process |
成实、赵鲁、迟宇航、刘学 |
ICEMS2023 |
2023 |
a method for suppressing core eddy current loss caused by leakage flux in nanocrystalline high-grequency transform |
刘学、赵鲁、范恩泽、葛琼璇、王珂 |
中国电源学会第二十六届学术年会 |
2023 |