论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
synchronuous SVPWM strategy for high-speed maglev three-level active inverter 赵牧天、葛琼璇、朱进权、王珂、王晓新、赵鲁 ICEMS2023 2023
asynchronous discontinuous SVPWM strategy inverter at low modulation ratio region 赵牧天、葛琼璇、王珂、赵鲁、张波、杨培 ICEMS2023 2023
beat phenomenon supression method based in quasi-resonant extended state observer for PMSM drives in railway traction applications 朱进权、赵鲁、葛琼璇、王珂 ICEMS2023 2023
a cooperative control strategy of machine side and grid side for the rotor converter of pumped storage doubly-fed induction machine 梁泽熙、张瑞华、张波、葛琼璇 ICEMS2023 2023
research on the online state reconstruction method of high-power converter based IGCT 杨培、张波、葛琼璇 ICEMS2023 2023
influences of freeomagnetic saturation on traction characteristics in linear induction motors with composite secondary 曾迪晖、葛琼璇、王珂 ICEMS2023 2023
高速变长分段直线感应电机稳定控制方法 徐飞、李子欣、史黎明、李耀华 2023年第十八届电工技术学会学术年会 2023
comparative research on the characteristics of long primary double-sided linear induction motors with different windings 刘永贤、杜玉梅、张瑞华、赵欣玉、史黎明 ICEMS2023 2023
低推力脉动的多级重接型电磁推进系统设计 杨泽宇、史黎明、李耀华 2023年第十八届电工技术学会学术年会 2023
永磁电动悬浮系统阻尼方法及特性分析 徐炜钰、史黎明、王培龙、段家珩、李子欣、李耀华 2023年第十八届电工技术学会学术年会 2023
position and speed mesaurement method for segmented long primary double-sided linear motor based on polynomial fitting 周世炯、李耀华、史黎明、范满义、刘进海 2023年第十八届电工技术学会学术年会 2023
coordinated balancing charging strategy for cascaded h-birdge inverter with supercapacitor and DC-DC stage 张烨、李子欣、高范强、赵聪、李耀华 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 2023
应用于高频辅助变流器的DBSRC变换器IGBT开路故障分析及容错运行研究 马呈瑶、赵鲁、范恩泽、葛琼璇、刘学 电力系统保护与控制 2023
full-scale hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulator with supercapacitor and DC-DC stage 张烨、李子欣、高范强、赵聪、司马向政、李耀华 IECON2023 2023
modeling and hardware-in-the-loop implementation of faulted high-speed linear motors during switching process 武旭、徐飞、李子欣、史黎明、李耀华、邓承汤 a novel zero sequence injection method for three-phase energy storage systems in time-varying amplitude-frequency+G31:G32 conditions 2023
a novel zero sequence injection method for three-phase energy storage systems in time-varying amplitude-frequency conditions 司马向政、高范强、李子欣、赵聪、徐飞、李耀华 IECON2023 2023
analysis and optimization of energy balancing control stategies for cascaded multilevel energy storage inverter 高范强、李子欣、徐飞、张航、李自强、赵聪 IECON2023 2023
research on stability control methods of highspeed linear induction motors 徐飞、李子欣、高范强、赵聪、史黎明、李耀华 IECON2023 2023
research on electromagnetic force characteristics based on asymmetric120⁰ pitch figure-8 coils in EDS system for maglev train 薛志港、韦榕、高宇康 第六届轨道交通电气与信息技术国际学术会议 2023
Grid-side harmonic current suppression based on carrier phase-shifted pwm and extende state observer for high-power multiple parallel 3L-ANPC rectifier 赵牧天、葛琼璇 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 2023